The use of headphones
Headfi a new dimension in listing to music and discover a different audio journey.
The Kennerton Wodan a planar-magnetic open headphone and the new Hifiman HE1000
Last year I started using a new headphone, the Erzetich Phobos. I wasn't aware of listing to music in this way. A new audio journey started. New possibilities in listing to music were explored and my audio hobby and interest extended. It took some time to figure out the specific audio chain for listing with a headphone.
My current setup is now the Topping A90 Headphone amplifier and the Erzetich Phobos Headphone.
In the following diagram, I have designed a typical audio chain.
The chain is mostly the same with listing to loudspeakers. The main difference is using a separate headphone amplifier. Some brands offer a headphone plug in the amplifier itself, for example Accuphase.
I would suggest a specific headphone amplifier for use with high-end headphones. It delivers a new dimension in listening to music. You create more your own audio environment. Music is wide, intense with optimal characteristics.
We are living in cities close to each other. More and more apartments are being built. Also mostly smaller apartments.
The Erzetich Phobos headphone with the headphone amplifier.