Qualiton A75 integrated amplifier.

A new tube-based integrated amplifier is in our workshop. It is a fantastic amplifier with more than enough power. It is transparent, has lots of details, and has a vast sound stage.

A new tube-integrated amplifier from Audio Hungary in our Audioshop. Based on the KT170 tubes.

Our collection of photos is in our workshop. 

Also, a large number of photos from the visit to the stand of Audio Hungary at the Highend in Munich in May 2024,
talking with Andras Fabian, the business development manager. 

Qualiton A75

The Qualiton A75 integrated amplifier from Audio Hungary with two different phono pre-amplifiers. The Lejonklou Gaio-2 and the Sac Thailand Minute. Both are mm phon0 pre-amps.

The Thorens TD160 was renovated with a new white MDF plinth, Design Build Listen Classic tonearm and a Nagaoka MP200 cartridge.

Integrated amplifier with 4 KT170 tubes and 6 12AT7 tubes.


Positive Feedback Jan 2024

Hifi Knights Jan 2024  / 6Moons 



Pink Fish Media