Our selected audio equipment

A small amount of audio brands in our audio shop.

We collected a small number of audio brands for our audio shop. 


To start with Kleio. Kleio is a new, small audio brand in the UK. They started a few years ago with an integrated and pre-amplifier. The integrated K135 amplifier uses class D technology from Ice Power. Garry Wise is the director and owner of Kleio. He is doing a wonderful job trying to set up a new brand in the difficult audio market. Our patience was being tested, but now they are playing. Great job, Garry. 

Kleo K135 Integrated 8777.jpeg.          Kleio K135 Integrated 8779.jpeg.   

Kleio K135 Integrated amplifier                                                                       Kleio K135 Integrated amplifier with the PS Audio Stellar Gold Dac. 

PS Audio

For about one year we have the PS Audio amplifiers in our shop. The Belgian distributor 

IMG_7985.jpeg.           PS Audio Stellars combo 8788.jpeg.   

PS Audio Stellar Gold Pre amplifier                                                                 PS Audio Stellar Gold AaPre amplifier and Dac

Hypex Nilai Power amp 8790.jpeg.        IMG_7104.jpeg

Hypex Nilai  class D Power amplifier                                                           Lejonklou Boazu Integrated amplifier